Using whetcwithdraw from a mist contract

Objective of the manual

This manual shows you how to withdraw ETC from the Whitehat Withdraw contract, if your DAOTokens were held on a Contract Wallet.

What do you need?

You need a synced ETC chain and a working Mist. ([some guidelines here](Using whetcwithdraw from a mist contract))

1. Watch the withdraw contract

  • Press "Contracts"


  • Press "Watch Contract"


  • In the Popup Window fill in the details of the withdrawal contract:

Name: WHETCWithdraw or any name you want

Address: 0x9f5304da62a5408416ea58a17a92611019bd5ce3

JSON interface:



2. Use the withdraw contract

  • Click on "Contracts" again and this time select the new contract you watched


  • On the whetcwithdraw contract page click the "Select Function" dropdown menu and select "Withdraw"


  • Fill in the proper fields depending on what you would like to do:
  1. BeneficiaryAddress: This is the ETC address you own to which you would like to receive funds.
  • percentageWHG: This is a number from 0 to 100 signifying the percentage you would like to donate to the Whitehat Group for their efforts.
  • Then in the "Execute From" dropdown menu you should select your mist wallet contract which held DAO tokens at the time of the fork.
  • Finally press the "Execute" button


  • Authorize the transfer by inserting your password in the window that will popup

And that is all. You now have managed to perform a withdrawal from the whetcwithdraw contract using a wallet contract in the ETC chain. Congratulations!